25th Of April,2008 - Rhema Tiffany Moses Turned Seventeen.First off,I'd like to jump into last year's today. JUMP!Honestly,I didn't know how to top last year's celebration 'cause last years one was super kickass and it was the first time I could finally get Rhema wasted,ever.Planning all these shindigs truly frustrates me.Satisfying nonetheless.So for a change,Nelson did most of the planning.Of course I helped out with the who/where.Props goes to Nelson mostly for putting it together.Ok,this post has friggin' alot of pictures that I'll stress again on the friggin' alot.Freakin alot of pictures.I'll elaborate bits & pieces.In the evening,Nelson picked me and Koo boy up.I was late.I already apologized enough.We went to Kirsten's house.Kirsten unfortunately couldn't make it for the dinner.So Kirsten's presence was in the form of these scrumptious cupcakes she made for Rhema.They are really really yummy.& they match Koo's shirt.
So after sitting through the evening jam,we used the cars jet pack and stormed through the traffic and made it in time to pick LouisTan & Rhema up. =.="Venue was Ninja Jones,Northpoint.
Rhema :
"So like,I would like,like to thank,like..god.For this wonderful meal,and like,gorgeous hair." *Flips Hair*Ok,she didn't really say that.But she would have said this :
¤ ` *яayyma* `. hold me down and i`ll carry you home. says:" dear god i want to fuck adam lazzara amen".¤ ` *яayyma* `. hold me down and i`ll carry you home. says:i said that in my heart.I forgot how Eyebrow's speech went,but it ended with Tom Kurus.
The During Dinner Shots.

The After Dinner Shots/Group Shots

No,we didn't get Rhema that cake.Her dad did.Damn pretty right.
But no,We got her that small thing next to it.Better than nothing right?!

Oh yes,and this is Rhema's present from Eyebrows.
The With-Birthday-Girl(s) Shots - The last picture is of the Birthday Girls. ;)

We were suppose to go to Dessert's Bar,but we assumed it was close since it was pretty late.So we went to Hartamas instead.For old times sake.
I like the sequence of these pictures.Reminds me of..friends..the TV Series..I don't know..

The Crotch Shots
The Journey to the carpark (Yes,it is pretty far)

Rhema opening her present...It was a Hooker..Hookah.I wrapped it myself!

At Hartamas

So after most of them left,apparently Nelson puked while going back to Rhema's.
Rhema's group fetched the drinks while LouisHew's group fetched the Shisha junk.

So with the likes of Grape Shisha & alcohol,the night continued.& there were only me,Rayma,Koo and LouisHew left.

Half way through the fruit game & indian poker,we went to launch the fireworks we've been keeping since Chinese New Year from Jian Hao's CNY open house.

We'll post up the video of the fireworks later.It was quite a failure,but a few car alarms did go off.Fuck you,auntie/uncle who doesn't let people sit on the park's swing.

THAT WAS FUCKING ALOT OF PICTURES OK.A picture speaks a thousand words.It was a very long night.I'm sha-sha-shakin.HAPPY BIRTHDAY,RAYMA TIFFANY MOSES.
we love you lots.
You're damn old now.
I know this doesn't top last year's one,but it's still memorable right?
Message from Rayma ,
Thanks for coming (: ! And for all the texts/calls/IMs/comments. I feel very very loved. Hee. Nelson and Trina, you guys did an awesome job. Last year was amazing already, this year was just as amazing minus the puking my dinner out part ( thank god for that). I'm pretty lucky to have friends who actually give a shit. I loooove you all (: I had the best time ever! xx
ps:// BAMBI, your presence was missed. I'll call you really really soon yeah. I'm happy your weekend was just as awesome. Yours involving a certain " HIGH FIVE " (; Hehehe i'm SO excited for you. I love you Seed. I'll be seeing you kay? Hang tight & time will fly! I promise.Jawjawjawjawjawjawnay (; hehehe.