Thursday, December 20, 2007

Shhhhhhake it.

I bet everyone thought that this blog was/is abandoned,but that's just what we want you to think.


Okay,so we were exceptionally lazy to blog.
My holidays aren't as happening as you peepo out there.
Besides,I'm those losers with not enough money to do anything and a curfew too early for the fun to even get started.

So yeah,getting on with the part that has pictures of past events.

Petroscience & some other stuff

[Under Construction]

Oh cheese tarts,I just realized that most of the pictures are with Rayma.
So let's just leave that section as the "Under construction" part.

The Match

There were a few false alarms on whether it was going to rain or not.But I think the whole set up to watch the matches were pretty wicked.

Before the match,we got ourselves Maccers and Big Apple donuts.Well,something like that.
After the MC and games were done with,it was...

Liverpool VS Man. United

So like,OF COURSE,Man U won lah.
*Flicks Liverpool away*

Through the entire match,Victor was shouting about how the wind blew the ball the opposing side('cause at that night it was windy at the Curve).Poor Nelson was the only one at our table supporting Liverpool......HAH,Loser!

& that was the end of my night.I have curfew mah.

That's all?
Fret not,there should be more updates in the near future.

For now,Here's a Xmas treat.

One more thing,
Can someone tell me why the fuck is the whole world heading South??

May Yi's Tag

Rules :

1. Link the person that tagged you and list the rules.

2. List 8 random facts about yourself and tag 8 people.

3. Add a black&white photo of yourself.

1. I don't know how the black & white picture is necessary in this...but ok.
2. I sort of miss my longer hair now.
3. I've gained 6kg this year alone.AND YOU THINK YOU'VE GOT IT BAD?!
4. The answer to Life,The Universe and Everything is 42.
5. I want my own Dan Humprey for Christmas. eks-oh-eks-oh.
6. My left eye has double eyelids whereas my right eye has triple or sometimes none.Curses.
7. I......saw mommy kisssssing Saannta Claus.
8. I think getting knocked up is a trend now or something.Should be right?
(eg : Jessica Alba/Jamie Lynn/Nicole Richie/Xtina are all preggers)

Now,I tag...
Rhema,Jian Hao(You're doing it you tool),Rachel,Jeanette,Anthea,Vivian,Crystal,Zhee Yi.

Yes,I'm in constipation.

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