Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Because we love suprises .

This entire post is dedicated to the strawberry headed birthday boy , Tan Jian Hao :)

The day started of with me walking to Bonbon`s to get Jian Hao's Chocolate + Strawberry Cake .
Called a cab riight after that and waited in a jam for what felt like forever to get to Trina's house .
I was ready really fast this time - and that RARELY happens
The dresscode was actually all white .
You see , *I* don't own anything white because i`m morbid like that . Ha ha ha ..
I have alot of black clothing ,heh .
And Trina had a prettyfull new black dress , so screw .
We both wore black and had a little white splashed in .

Took ages for the cab company to call back and say " tak ada taxi la , maaf "
Trina started freaking out about being late , because it was already 7.30 .
We were supposed to be at The Westin BEFORE 8pm .
Trina's mum decided to drop us of at Ikano so we could get a cab from there .
The first cab we saw agreed to take us to Westin Hotel .
The cab driver was such a basket-case .
He kept asking us where Westin was .
And i kept saying " Jalan Bkt Bintang" ,basket couldn`t hear me because his stupid music was EXTREMELY loud
wtf .
He wasn't smart enough to turn it off , i got so annoyed i yelled a couple of times .

STILL didnt hear me . fuckhead whatevah
As soon as we reached Westin , we headed to Prego for dinner .
We waited till Jian Hao and his sister Fiona arrived. Fiona walked in first ,
Jian Hao walked in and had this "
O . M . G , ...PEOPLE " face .
He was silent for about 10 minutes ; VERY VERY shocked . but very smile-ey .

Kinda like this :

Everyone kept laughing at him because he wouldnt say anything .
Too bad i didn't get to drag you around barefoot and blindfolded like you dragged me Hao
We took ALOT of pictures , brace yourself :

THEEEEN it was time for the CAKE !
The waitress was the dumbest person on EARTH .
See , Hao didnt KNOW there was a cake.
SO it was supposed to be hushhush right ?
The incompetent waitress exclaimed VERY loudly "
When do you want the cake?"
Dude , two words ; IDIOT .

Anyway , after 15 minutes they bring the cake .

Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday to youu .
The waiters/waitress's sang Happy Birthday .
Again , Jian Hao was extremeely shocked .
Priceless reaction once again .
After singing , they gave us some weird clown nose-clipons for some reason .

We didn't wear em though .
I managed to snap a picture of Jian Hao trying to catch this clown-nose thing

More pictures after dessert ;

After the laughs , and food .. we decided to make a move .
Called for the bill . The food wasnt that expensive but.
Holy motherfuckers , it was 100 bucks . JUST FOR WATER .
Rm25 per bottle . And they just kept pouring .
It wasnt even sparkling water . It was Acqua Panna Water from Tuscany , Italy +_+
Most expensive water to ever inhabit my body .
Awesome .

Jian Hao's sister complained about the very bad service . Ha-Ha .
While waiting for my dad to pick us up ,
Naa and I decided to be girlyandbimbo and camwhore
Lyke , ZohMyGod (;

Overall , it was pretty fun .I hope you had a good time Jian Hao :)
Happy Sweet 16th Strawberry .

Lotsa loooooooove .

1 comment:

Rhema said...

no you dont . shut up (:
annd . yes it is . its surfer talk la .
Haha .