Sunday, August 5, 2007

If looks could kill you'd be a murderer.Or maybe just a whore.

This weekend was yet another blinking fast one.

Saturday :
I started with going to 1u with Ian for lunch & to look for a house warming gift.
There doesn't seem to be anymore movies to watch now.Anyway,Ian & I walked from the new wing to the old wing & back to the new wing again a couple of times.Very mindless.
Until we finally found a pillow clock.So we went to play pool which ended up in a fair tie.

Later on I made my way to Koo's residence 'cause I had just bought the Tomb Raider Anniversary game & wanted to whoop some relic creatures ass.The game was pretty fun considering I haven't really laid my hands on any console for more than a year & sucked like a vacuum at the game.Lara Craft's jugs seems to have shrunk throughout the years.Jervis kept his eyes on Lara Craft's animated ass.I shall wait 'till end of the year for my PS2 binge.

P.S;I could've beaten the T-Rex myself if I took it more seriously,Koo.

When it hit dusk,Jervis & I tried to get a cab to Teon's house but we ended up making some lame prank call & miraculously we got a cab the next try after that.2 hours later,we reached late but still the earliest.

We tried taking a classic picture.Like those olden times in those kampung places,except no Sarung or pipe and stuff.

"Stop smiling you fool,you're suppose to look damn serious!"

Looks strangely familiar huh?

Former : Bad pose,good photography. Latter : Good pose,bad photography.
Leeeeewiiissss.Damn irritating la this boy.Haha

If you flipped these pictures real quick.Sylvia(The girl behind) looks quite haunting.

There was this deranged evil spawn from hell of a kid that was there,Man,he's just another reason why we all should hate kids.Arrogant lil' Numbskull tried to throw pillows and throw punches at me when I..well,I'm not sure what I did.Whatever it is,I'm sure it was him being arrogant.I hope for an early death for him.This world has enough evil already.


Nelson's buddies performed at the end of the gathering;Ask Me Again.They were entertaining,but maybe it's just the wrong crowd.Too many seniors I reckon.

At one point,Ming Chun tried to scare everyone with this Bloody Mary story which involved Marcus & Louis jumping out from the dark to scare us.But in the end,Louis's phone rang & everyone was interrupting Ming Chun's narrating with laughter.It ended up really pathetic.

There are actually & this time really more pictures for this,but I'll be getting 'em next week.
So you people would just have to wait for 'em.
As for the Sunday post,it'll be done sooner or later.
As you may or may not know,this post is very tedious & full of gibbering nonsense.
My head is going haywire.
Maybe it's cause I'm fat.Like,really really fat.
Matthiew & a few others would agree with this.
Edit :// you are not fat trina *stares* ..

So,'till then.

It's lights out for now.


1 comment:

Nelson Teon said...

Hey Everyone..thx for coming again man!